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Good oral hygiene plays an important role in keeping the t
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MessaggioInviato: 11 Nov 2019 02:45:56    Oggetto:  Good oral hygiene plays an important role in keeping the t
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Good oral hygiene plays an important role in keeping the teeth healthy and white. People who have stained teeth feel very uncomfortable to smile or even to talk in front of others because they do not feel good to open their mouth. When teeth get stained they no more have bright white appearance
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, instead the surface looks very unattractive with dark and yellow stains. The reason for staining could be anything from poor brushing habits to consuming lot of stain causing foods and beverages.

Types of teeth discoloration:
Staining or discoloration of teeth could be of two types – intrinsic that develops inside the inner structure of the tooth and extrinsic that forms on the outer layer of enamel.

• In case of intrinsic stains, the tooth becomes dark yellow color from inside structure called dentin which can only be removed with the help of teeth whitening procedures. Generally, this type of discoloration happens when the person is exposed to fluoride during early childhood or using too many antibiotics during pregnancy or early young age.

• Extrinsic stains which are most common among people are typically formed on the outer enamel, caused by drinking beverages like coffee, tea, wine
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, cola or other stain causing foods and drinks.

• Apart from the above types, people lose their teeth color with age and naturally it turns into yellow on the enamel surface as well as from inside. Too many whitening procedures and dental hygiene treatments make the teeth thinner and obviously expose the inner layer of the dentin to the stain causing foods. In fact, smoking is also another primary reason that can stain teeth as the people grow older.

How to treat teeth staining?
While following a good oral regime will restore the brightness of teeth, regular dental checkups and cleanings by a professional dentist will help remove surface stains. Extrinsic stains are much easier to treat than intrinsic because extrinsic are formed only on the outer surface whereas intrinsic damages the nerve or blood vessel and requires the removal of inner part of the tooth pulp. There are many whitening treatments that can be done at home or in doctor’s office with different products and methodologies.

Before going for one of these options, you need to make a visit to the dentist to determine the type of stain that you have on your teeth. If it is deep inside, then you will be suggested to go for root canal treatments to remove the inner stained part. If it is Just on the outer surface of the enamel
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, then you can go for teeth bleaching techniques which can be done by yourself at home or at the doctor’s office. The bleaching gels that you get over the counter are not as powerful as the ones that are used by the dentists. These products that are meant for self usage are useful to remove only minor stains but do not change the overall color of the teeth. If the stains are deep and ugly, then professional help is required to follow the powerful bleaching processes. It may take more than one visit to completely get rid of stains and restire the natural teeth color.



By: James Bolte

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Every time we go out to eat, we always use the disinfected tableware, how to recognize whether they are safe? Perhaps you often hear people say that a lot of water to wash tableware in the restaurant is dirty, and the bacteria of the disinfected tableware are more than not disinfected tableware. Therefore, the people often eat out should be careful to this. Experts introduce that to identify the eligibility of the sterilization
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, you may wish to take a look at, and smell, and touch and last to ask.

First, see whether the color of the tableware is old. When you get the sterilization tableware, look at whether the packaging is printed with clear information of the manufacturer, such as name
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, address, telephone number and date of manufacture and shelf life and so on, informal enterprises will print the brand on the packaging, and there will be food labeling on the plastic film bags; qualified sterilization tableware should have better gloss, color, and clean surface
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, no food residue, mildew and other dirty items.

Second, smell whether the tableware has musty. When you open the package, qualified sterilization tableware should not emit a pungent, musty and other odor. If you smell the odor, it is certainly not the qualified product.

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, touch whether the packaging membrane has water in it. Qualified sterilization tableware touches be the feeling of astringent, if they have greasy feeling, it explains that the grease and the detergent is not clean; and the sterilization tableware is pasteurized and dries, there will be no water, so the utensils should be dry, packaging films should not have water stains.

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, you can inquiry the qualification of the tableware disinfection. Before we go dining in the restaurant, we can require the restaurants to show relevant qualification certificate of tableware disinfection enterprises, including business license, disease prevention and control agency issued test reports.

In addition to the note of the above matters, we should also wash the utensils before have dining in a small restaurant. Although it has been eliminated before, but
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, there may be detergents residual on the tableware. So, we had better clean again. Fundamentally speaking, eating out is unsafe things. Maybe someday we will be diarrhea or poisoning. So, we should spend more time at home to eat it. We should spend more time with our families to stay together, rather than the whole day together with customers and colleagues.

Maintaining Your Automobile So That It Can Last For Ye.
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MessaggioInviato: 11 Nov 2019 02:45:56    Oggetto: Adv

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